Tuesday, April 1, 2008

James Nachtwey, "Photograghy's Neccessity"

Zimbabwe 2000 - a tuberculosis ward where the great majority of the patients
suffer from AIDS

Afghanistan 1986- Mujahedin praying while on an operation against the soviet army

Rwanda 1994 - survivor of a Hutu death camp

These photograph's are all very meaning full, and taken to speak for the people they are taken of. The people in these pictures are not of those who can tell the world of what is going on themselves. James Nachtwey is a storyteller, and he does not only tell the stories with happy endings or of those with smiling faces or expensives backgrounds. He tells the important stories, the ones not otherwise told. His artistic ability to do so with bad lighting and unattractive subjects is just another of his amazing qualities as an artist and photographer. He does his job with bravery, intuition and an upfront approach to his craft. I admire his work and think people should be even more aware of what goes on in our world, if dislplaying it in photography gets people to pay attention than lets take more pictures and use art to convey messages that may otherwise fall on deaf ears.

ART REVIEW; World's Cruelty and Pain, Seen in an Unblinking Lens. By: MICHAEL KIMMELMAN. New York Times (1/1/1985 to present), 3/28/2007, p1, 0p; (AN 28186192)

James Nachtwey. By: Fussman, Cal. Esquire, Oct2005, Vol. 144 Issue 4, p206-238, 7p, 2c, 2bw; (AN 18412224)

PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR. By: Nachtwey, James. American Photo, Jul/Aug2004, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p41-101, 10p, 4c, 2bw; (AN 13669029)
All of these should be helpful in the powerpoint presentation, all will be helpful in the different areas that are going to be highlighted. The "Art Review" will help with the angle on the presentation that James Nachtwey helped to show the world just as it is through a camera. Obviuosly the book on the photographer himself will be insightful as to facts on his life and more intimate details that will be needed. The last piece, "Photographer of the Year," will give more information as to achievements and awards that this artist recieved, and there were many.

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